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Wednesday, 24 April 2024



Tritone is a micro-simulator road networks developed completely in Italian or English from the University of Calabria - UNICAL as an innovative tool for the modeling of traffic flow.


What is micro-simulation ?

The micro-simulation is used to represent in a timely, accurate and specific the traffic and its development instantaneous, taking into account the geometrical aspects of retail infrastructure and real world driving behavior, related to the coupling characteristics of the vehicle and driver.


What can reproduce

Tritone is able to represent in a timely manner, precise and specific the traffic and its evolution instantaneous, taking into account the geometrical aspects of detail of the infrastructure and the real behavior of drivers, linked to the coupling of characteristics of the vehicle and the driver's. In detail, Triton can simulate signalized intersections and not, roundabouts and bus traffic.






What's Tritone ?

Tritone was established with the aim of becoming a simulation tool not only efficient analytically, but especially from a usability perspective, reflecting fully the trends's user friendly, which aim to simplify as much as possible the operations that the user must perform. In fact, in this regard, it is noted that all possible operations, are fully accessible through the convenient graphical interface. Then the user will not be forced, in its use, to make use of third-party software such as Excel or other, for the insertion of data in the network.

Output of Tritone

Tritone returns the results both in analytical form, based on control intervals defined by the user, both in graphic form 2D, developed for computers with low performance, so as to expand its range of compatible hardware, and in both three-dimensional field for 3D impact more pleasant and accommodating of the simulated network.

Ready for research

Tritone was built primarily from research and research therefore tends also a hand to researchers and scholars who wish to validate their simulation models by giving them the ability to place them inside of Tritone; by means of a standardized library.

Open to collaborations

Tritone is available for Universities or institutions who wish to collaborate in its development or in joint research projects.

Always updated

Tritone is a simulator evolving thanks to the efforts of researchers who work there, being able to churn out updates and news about every week.

Languages of Tritone

Tritone currently supports the following languages: italian, english but you can add as desired customizing the language file.


You can contact

Models implemented

Tritone does not travel on a monotonous proposing only its simulation model, but the possibility dynamically choose between the car-following models most popular:
  • Gazis and Herman
  • Giofrè Lineare
  • Giofrè Polinomiale
  • Giofrè Avanzato
  • Gipps (AIMSUN)
  • Van Aerde (Integration)
  • Yang (MITSIM)
  • FreSim and Intras
  • Fritzsche (PARAMICS)
  • Wiedemann (VISSIM)
  • Krauss (SUMO)
  • Intelligent Drive Model 2000
  • Chandler
  • Leutzbach
  • Bando
  • Newell
  • Nagel
  • Custom from library
Also implements the most used models of:
  • Lane-Changing
  • Gap-Acceptance
  • Over-taking

It also calculates emissions, consumption and loads on the flooring products from the vehicles passing through. It also returns the Safety Performance indicators most commonly used in the field of road safety through a dedicated section.


Versions available for download

Esistono differenti versioni di Tritone in funzione del tipo di sistema operativo presente sul tuo computer o del tipo di processore, scegli quindi quella che meglio si addice alle tue esigenze.
version 16 of 01-04-2016
 Hai problemi nell'installare Tritone? Segui questo video


Alert for new Microsoft Windows operation system

Nei nuovi sistemi operativi Microsoft Windows bisogna avviare Tritone o il suo pacchetto di installazione con i privilegi di amministratore facendo click sull'icona del software e selezionando la voce "Esegui come amministratore". Questo garantirà un perfetto funzionamento del software.

Software activation

Tritone è un software totalmente gratuito che necessitante solo di una piccola attivazione da fare durante il primo avvio del prodotto. Se avete però scaricato una versione precedente alla 15, il processo di attivazione va fatto online tramite la seguente pagina:

Pagina per attivare le vecchie versioni di Tritone


WARNING !!! Many times it may happen that your system can read our emails as spam due to server problem at our university, so please check the arrival of the license also among the junk mail or spam.


Guide and VideoTutorial

Tritone dispone sia del classico manuale di utilizzo che di nuovi sistemi di apprendimento che guidano l'utente fino alla piena padronanza del software.

Errors corrected and software update

Nel corso degli anni sono state fatte numerose correzioni al software Tritone, fino a portare a una completa riscrittura del prodotto. Nella pagin seguente potete trovare numerose informazioni su quanto fatto cronologicamente.

Snapshots of Tritone

Ecco alcune istantanee di Tritone
  • Indice APRI - complessivoIndice APRI - complessivo
  • incrocio a T 2incrocio a T 2
  • incrocio a Tincrocio a T
  • semaforo fasisemaforo fasi
  • menumenu
  • incrocioincrocio
  • semafori diagrammasemafori diagramma
  • incidente diagrammaincidente diagramma
  • case 3Dcase 3D
  • simulazione 2Dsimulazione 2D
  • rete con mapparete con mappa
  • Tabella riepilogoTabella riepilogo
  • Livelli di servizioLivelli di servizio
  • Tabella statisticheTabella statistiche
  • diagrammi arcodiagrammi arco
  • assegnazione diagramma non manualeassegnazione diagramma non manuale
  • RotatoriaRotatoria
  • incidente indicazioniincidente indicazioni
  • Diagramma Bidimensionale Spazio VelocitaDiagramma Bidimensionale Spazio Velocita
  • isocroneisocrone
  • Casualita veicoli e guidatoriCasualita veicoli e guidatori
  • diagrammi rilevatorediagrammi rilevatore
  • arco indicazioniarco indicazioni
  • edifici mappaedifici mappa
  • diagrammi rilevatoridiagrammi rilevatori
  • organizzazione menuorganizzazione menu
  • simulazione 3Dsimulazione 3D
  • assegnazione diagramma motoassegnazione diagramma moto
  • indicatori simulazioneindicatori simulazione
  • Risultati 2DRisultati 2D
  • RampeRampe
  • diagramma motodiagramma moto
  • diagrammi archidiagrammi archi
  • caselli aggiungicaselli aggiungi
  • diagrammi statistichediagrammi statistiche
  • Indice APRI - archiIndice APRI - archi
  • Tabella rilevatoriTabella rilevatori
  • Tabella dati inizialiTabella dati iniziali
  • Tabella risultati ordinatiTabella risultati ordinati
  • multi modalemulti modale

Old version

 versione 13
version of 10-06-2010 for Linux Ubuntu